
Ceramic with Mediterranean Stories:

Ceramics as a vehicle of self-expression and engine of uniqueness.
We welcome you to a space where ceramics transcends its physical limits. Beyond what can be touched, my creations become the voice of my self-expression and the engine that distinguishes us in a world saturated with the commonplace.

Mediterranean life through ceramics.
Explore the good life, the warm climate and the Mediterranean culture through ceramics, an art that vibrates in our veins and carries with it centuries of legacy.

Exploring the fabric of human relationships through clay.
Each turn of the wheel and each brushstroke is a step towards understanding. Through ceramics, I explore the complex fabric of human relationships, unveiling layers of meaning in each piece. More than a creative process, this is a journey of self-discovery and empathy.

Forging ceramic community through Ceramic DNA.
Since 2021 I have been passionately leading the ADN Cerámico project promoted by the World Design Capital of Valencia. Its main objective is the defense of the ceramic community of the Valencian Community. A tribute to the great masters who have taught me and a collaboration with contemporary ceramists with whom I share concerns and aspirations, forging together a ceramic community where creativity shines like never before.

Discover ceramic sensibility with us.
At www.anaillueca.com, ceramics is not just clay and fire. It is the echo of Mediterranean stories, it is the resonance of human relationships, it is the tangible manifestation of our deep-rooted values. Join us as we explore, create and share these unique stories that are also ceramic pieces

Sign up for the newsletter here.

Responsible impact: outlining a sustainable future.
I seek to leave the smallest footprint on our environment by carving a path towards sustainability. I find the balance between beauty and responsibility so that my pieces tell the story of a more conscious world. The waste generated in my work is reused in the «Circular Surprise» project. Through this collection the mud of clay and glazes becomes new unpredictable and always different pieces.

Discover here my work to close the circle of creation.

2024. «Mediterranean Stories», Helen Berger, Valencia. Solo exhibition.
2024. Mediterranean Bits Wind at «Cobalto y Cobre», Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí, Valencia. Group exhibition.
2023. “Relationships, Mediterranean Bits Wind, Chandeliers” at HCIE Hangzou, China. Group exhibition.
2023. Chrysalises. «Miradors de l’horta», Museu Miradors. Group exhibition.
2023. «Circular Surprise» Madre Natura. La Villa. Madrid. Group exhibition.
2023. «Women who are not vases» Madrid. Group exhibition.
2022. «Exploration ceramics» El convent espai d’art. Vila-real. Group exhibition.
2022. «Women who are not vases» Merkato. Valencia. Group exhibition.
2022. «Relationships» Cone. Yerevan. Armenia.
2022. «Mediterranean Bits Storm» Indred. Valencia. Group exhibition.
2021. Finalist for the National Crafts Prize (Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism) with the project ADN Cerámico.
2020. Contemporary Craftswoman. Crafts Centre of the Valencian Community. + Group exhibition.
2019. De part en part. Biennial of Contemporary Art Buñol. «Gastronomy on stage» Solo exhibition.
2019. ICFF New York City. Group exhibition.
2018. Finalist in the ceramic innovation award, Centro de Artesanía de la Comunitat Valenciana. + Group exhibition.
2018. Harvest. Manises School Of Ceramics. Group exhibition.
2017. Veles e Vents. Silk ceramics. Collective exhibition.
2016. Manises School Of Ceramics. The reflection of Komorebi. Group exhibition.
2016. MuVIM (Museu Valencià de Il-lustració i de la Modernitat) Platonic plates.
2016. WILD Gallery. Platonic plates.

Training in educational institutions and companies with objectives such as:

– Increase creative skills.
– Increase strategic skills.
– Provide tools that favor working with ideas and help create an innovative environment.
– Training in the construction of the artistic voice.
– Stimulate creativity through ceramics.
– Inspire and promote innovative processes.

Is your company interested in one of my creative workshops? Send me an email


2023-2025. Professor of the subject «Ceramics and identity». Chair of ceramics at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
2017-2023. Professor of the subject «Experimental Design». Cardenal Herrera CEU University. Master’s Degree in Graphic Design.
2022-2023. Professor of «Art, color and mathematics. Subject History of Art». Cardenal Herrara CEU University. Degree in Design.
2019-2023. Professor of the subject «Ceramics and creativity» Official school of higher studies Barreira Art + Design.
2023. Lecture «Sustainability, creativity and ceramics» Madrid Design Festival.
2022. Professor «The creative voice through ceramics» Cardenal Herrera CEU University. Master of Architecture.
2022. Workshop «Creative ceramics for artists» TUMO Studios. 80 hours. Armenia.
2022. Workshop «Creative ceramics for artists» Design Festival of Castellón. Besign Festival.
2022. Lecture «My Mediterranean in ceramics» College of Architects of Valencia.
2021. Lecture «Creative stimulation through ceramics» Escuela Superior de Cerámica de Alcora. ESCAL.
2021. Paper «Roots of mediterranean cultures» Crafting Europe. 2020. Workshop «Building your artistic identity» CdeC Club de creativos.
2020. Workshop «Creative tools» Klipper. 30 hours.
2020. Workshop «Creative tools» Weaddyou . 30 hours.
2019. Workshop «Arts and crash» Heineken Group, Amstel.
2019. Workshop «Arts and crash» Tourism Foundation Valencia.
2019. Lecture «Cuaderno de tendencias. Voices and whispers». Institute of ceramic trends of Castellón.
2019. Lecture «The challenge of opening a ceramic workshop today: problems, aids and solutions.» AeCC. Spanish Association of Ceramic Cities.
2019. Workshop «Creative tools and the brilliance of error». TED X valencia.
2019. Workshop «Creative ceramics». Las Naves, Innovation Center Valencia.
2019. Lecture «The creative voice through ceramics» Pechakucha VLC.
2018. Round table «Art and crafts». Crafts Center of the Valencian Community.
2017. Lecture «Dialogue on ceramics». Crafts Center of the Valencian Community. With Xavier Monsalvatje
2017. 2nd Edition workshop. «Creativity and trends» Future-A. Master of trends.
2017. 2nd Edition workshop. «Creativity for artists» School of ceramics of Manises. 30 hours.
2016. Workshop «Creative ceramics» Sapristi communication. 3 hours.
2016. 1st Edition workshop. «Creativity and trends» Future-A. Master of trends.
2016. Workshop «Creativity for artists» Cardenal Herrera CEU University. Degree in engineering and product design. 30 hours.
2016. Workshop «Creativity for artists». Alhambra Beers. 6 hours.
2016. Lecture MuVIM (Museu Valencià de Il-lustració i de la Modernitat) Art, story and plate.
2016. Workshop «Creativity for artists». School of Ceramics of Manises. EASC. 30 hours.
2015. Lecture BLANC Barcelona Design Festival. Platonic plates.
2015. Workshop «Creative stimulation for engineers». BAYER. Polytechnic University of Valencia.
2015. Workshop «Creativity for artists» Summer courses of the School of Art and Design of Valencia. EASD. 20 hours.
2015. Lecture. Behance review Castellón. 40 minutes.
2014. Lecture. «Ikea case or how to connect with your audience.» Cardenal Herrera CEU University. Communication degree. 40 minutes.
2013-2014. Lecture. «Find your artistic place» Cardenal Herrera CEU University. Communication degree. 60 minutes.
2013. Lecture. «3 mistakes to win the Orange Below.» CEU San Pablo. 60 minutes.


Finalist for the Valencian Community Crafts Prize 2018.
Finalist for the National Crafts Award 2021 (Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism) with the ADN Cerámico project.
Finalist for the National Ceramics Award 2023.


More than 40 awards in creativity, including three EFIS and one SOL.

SKODA, Francoise Marq Architecture Studio, ICART International Corporate Art, Fundación Turismo Valencia, EOI Escuela de Organización Industrial, Amstel, Turia, Alhambra, Culdesac, Restaurante La Salita, Restaurante Superchulo, Fantastic Bar, Festival de Mediometraje La Cabina, AGR Food Marqueting, Aceitunas de España,  Soporte creativo Weaddyou, Pixlearte, Sapristi Studio, Esmovia, ELE KA, IKEA, Banco Sabadell, Valvenosta, Consum, Palau de la Música, Ayuntamiento de Valencia, Generalitat Valenciana, Mizuno, Ciudad de las artes y las ciencias de Valencia, Decathlon, BEKO, Visit Valencia, Divina pastora, A Punt.

2021 – Present. Project manager. «ADN Cerámico» (Ceramic DNA) Legacy project of the World Design Capital Valencia 2023 that defends the values and talent of ceramics in the Valencian Community. Iedation and project management.
2022. Curator. Exhibition «Ceramics of exploration». Museum of contemporary art Convent espai d’Art, Vila-real, Castellón.
2019 – 2021. Curator and moderator of the event. Series of meetings. «The genetics of contemporary crafts» within the program «Creating slowly» for Rambleta and Alhambra.
2016, 2017, 2019. Director of the design festival Vlanc (BLANC Valencia).
2019. Cultural content advisor at Rambleta. Ideation of exhibitions and activities within the tone and objectives of the Alhambra brand.
2019. Ideation and organization of the «Tornocatoria».  An event that brings together the largest number of potters in the Valencian Community working at the same time, The objective was the enhancement of the power of ceramics and its impact on media.
2017. Curator of artistic workshops. «Amstel Espolín Days.» Five interdisciplinary workshops to put the value of the silk fabric «espolín».
2017. Curator. «Dialogue on ceramics.» Crafts Center of the Valencian Community. Within the Valencia Design Week.